Restful Nights, Happy Days:

Sleep Q&A

Do you want to set your baby up for sleep success?

Join Katie for a 1-hour "Sleep 101" presentation & Q&A session!

Date: July 27th

Time: 7pm est

You will learn...

-The basics of baby sleep

-How to sculpt the perfect schedule for your baby

-How to implement bedtime routines from day 1

-When you can consider sleep training

Sleep deprivation can be all consuming - I can help!

“Katie saved our life with her sleep training plan and the support she gave us throughout the process. Our baby could only nap laying on someone until we got in touch with katie. She also was waking up multiple times through the night. She had our baby sleeping in her crib through the night, and soothing herself in just 3 nights time with minimal tears from both our baby- and us! She also has supported us with training our baby to nap in her crib! We were so nervous about the process and she made it so easy. Working with Katie has been the best thing for us as parents and for our little one! She sleeps so well now!”

About Katie

I am a certified pediatric sleep consultant who has helped dozens of families feel more well rested. Having experienced the sleep struggles firsthand with my own three children, I understand the rollercoaster of emotions you may be going through. The sleepless nights, the confusion about routines, and the never-ending quest for that elusive "perfect" sleep solution – trust me, I've been there, and I can help!

If you're interested in working 1:1 with me, start by clicking the link below to schedule a FREE discovery call so we can chat about your current challenges and next steps.